Many sports such as hockey and football involve a high level of physical contact which is dangerous to your teeth. For this reason, sports guards protect your teeth from trauma and are important in preventing concussions, damaged teeth, and nerve damage. Sports guards protect hundreds of thousands of dental injuries each year, and damaged teeth are the most expensive sports injury to fix.
While you can get over-the-counter sports guards, these are not recommended by our Newmarket dental team because they are not custom-fitted to your mouth. Custom-fitted sports guards can significantly protect important structures in your mouth much better than over-the-counter ones. Our Newmarket dentists can assist with making sure you receive a mouthguard that is comfortably fitter for your mouth.
It is much better to be safe than sorry, so if you or your children play sports, make sure to add sports guards to your list of things to get from Newmarket Dental. Contact us today to learn more!